It was a cold October morning in 2016 and the early light hadn't yet started to show its glow, Grandpa patted Mia in her kennel and took her into the garden room which he had made warm for her and had run a bath. As Grandpa was bathing her his tears ran down his cheeks and dribbled onto Mia's little forehead which was soon to be washed anyway.
was being bathed to prepared her for a long Journey to her new home,
the little dog didn't know what was going on, she played with Grandpa
just like she always did, rolling onto her back for her belly to be
rubbed. Grandpa brushed her fur and kept her warm in his arms till
the time came for her to be taken by car which Grandma was to drive
to Melbourne. Mia loved Grandma and Grandma loved Mia. She was not
frightened getting into the car, she sat on the front seat next to
Grandma wagging her tail and as the car drove off Grandpa saw that
same sad face he'd seen 3 years earlier when Mia came back to the
place where she was born – Grandma and Grandpas lovely family
home in Ararat.
As the car drove off down the lane way, Grandpa cried and cried because
Grandpa loves all animals and those inocent creatures are at the mercy of us grown-ups.
It was in October 4 years earlier 10th October 2012 to be exact Grandma and
Grandpa's little dog Airly gave birth to her second litter, Mia was
one of 5 in that litter.
Their mummy Airly was too small to feed 5
hungry puppies so Grandma had to hand feed each and every one of them
4 to 6 times a day and clean their little botties . All the puppies
thought that Grandma was their mummy “Oh how Grandma Loved
those puppies”, she named each and every one of them. Grandpa
couldn't remember them they were far too many names to remember.
Just before Christmas that year the puppies were old enough to go to their new homes,
Beau - went to Aunty Heather's
Lucky – Went to one of Grandpas work friends
Penny – Went to one of Grandmas friends in Melbourne (Frankston)
Belo Went to a farm out in the country (St Arnaud)
and Mia went to Aunty Heather's friends who had a puppy from the first litter.
Oh how happy everybody
was, all the puppies had good homes, mummy Airly was taken to the vet
to stop her from having any more puppies (she had had enough) all was
going well for about 12 months (the puppy's 1st Birthdays) when Grandma was told
that Mia was being a very naughty little puppy and she had to be
given away because the people that had her could not handle her
anymore, she'd climb fences, dig holes under the fence and run away
and bark her head off at anything. She was a fun loving dog she'd wag
her tail as she was barking and wouldn't bite anyone, she just loved
people her bark was to say “Here I am – Here I am come
pat me” .
Grandma decided that Mia was not going anywhere unless it was a good home so Grandma decided to bring her back to the place Mia was born - that lovely home of Grandma and Grandpas in Ararat
When Mia came back those 3 year ago, there were 4 dogs in the back yard Doggy Daddy Archy, Doggy Mummy Airly and Doggy Brother Sooty and of course Mia. They lived in an old caravan had lounge chairs to sleep on a raised platform made out of pallets and Grandma called it "The Doggy Resort"
Mia soon got up to her old tricks, climbing the fence and dropping down the other side onto the bushes to break her fall. Grandpa would soon make the back yard secure and as Mia couldn't climb the fence anymore.
All the dogs got on
very well together and Grandma would talk to them and play with them
every day. Grandpa wasn't at the home during the week so when he came
home on the weekends he'd bring special treats for the dogs and kept
a special one for Mia, she'd always get a special cuddle from Grandpa
and take all the dogs for a walk every day he was home.
Mia was a very inquisitive dog so much so, one day, she went to see what was moving in the
bushes she got bitten by a snake. The poor little thing couldn't walk
with her back legs and Grandpa thought for sure she was going to die
so he cuddled he, made her comfortable and held up her back legs so
she can do wee wee and that night slept with her in the shed and
took her out when she wanted to wee wee because she couldn't walk.
Grandpa kept her in his arms all night to make her comfortable thinking she would not last
long, but the loving and care Grandpa gave Mia she overcome the snake
bite and was good the next day back to her normal self running around
barking and jumping.So the months past and not long before
Grandmas 66th Birthday (October 2016 ), the family that had taken one of the 5 puppies
“Penny” wanted a companion and the best companion ever
was to be Mia and so Mia went to that Family to live happily ever
But Grandpa and Grandma will take Mia back if it doesn't work out and she will still live happily ever after.
Love and caring can cure all – Grandpa Karl 22/10/16